Wednesday, December 28, 2011


In a relationship I’m the kind of girl:

<3 that will take the blame just to make you happy.
<3 that cares about your feelings
<3 that feels bad when i know you’re alone
<3 that likes to cook for you
<3 that steals all the blankets, so you come closer to me
<3 that will keep your heart, and won’t ever let go
<3 that holds your hand in public
<3 that messes up your hair, and say your cute no matter what
<3 that will act goofy to force a smile
<3 that will lay next to you, just so you know someones there
<3 that sings my heart out in the car
<3 that steals kisses, so you will smile
<3 that will never pressure you into anything

I’m the kind of girl that will be nothing but myself.

what kind of person are you?

I thought I found you, my missing puzzle piece.

For Me

i love white rooms

How's it goin'?


Shelby Lynne " I Only Want To Be With You "

I don't know what it is
That makes me love you so
I only know I never wanna let you go
'Cos you started something
Oh, can't you see
That ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
I wanna spend each moment of the day with you
Oh, look what has happened with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be in love like this
It's crazy but it's true
I only want to be with you

You stopped and smiled at me
Asked if I'd care to dance
I fell into your open arms
And I didn't stand a chance

Now, listen, honey
I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we're together, honey
I don't care
'Cos you started something
Oh, can't you see
That ever since we met
You've had a hold on me
No matter what you do
I only want to be with you

You asked : "What song is this?"

A Beautiful Ripple Effect

I know that when others around me need help, I want to do anything I can to be of service. I never view it as an inconvenience; rather, it is an honor for me to be able to assist someone in their time of need. For some reason, though this never applies to me. I have been through a warrior's journey on this in the last few years...I have had to learn how to ask for help and accept it without feeling that terrible discomfort that comes from receiving someone's gift of time/energy/assistance. How do you feel when someone helps you - totally selflessly - when you REALLY need it? When you are totally on your knees, and you NEED help. Do you ever struggle with the tiny voice that feels like a (ok, I'm just going to say it...) burden (EEK!). Or maybe a feeling of (err..) shame to show how vulnerable you are? I admit it...I'm still struggle with this...but it's getting better

My eyes..

burn from cuteness..<3

People throw rocks at things that shine. The truth of the matter is, happiness isn’t a constant. You get fleeting glimpses of it when the rest of the time, you’re fighting for those moments. But those moments are what makes it all worth it -

minxy's fav quote "Yeah, I’m pretty sure I want to buy everything in that shop!"

strawberry soda + French fries = Love.

.: What You Do To Me :.

you melt my heart with your eyes,
you warm my soul with your voice,
you break my insecurities with your touch,
you make my head spin with your kiss,
you make my dreams come true with your love...

I get the best feeling in the world
when you say hi or even smile at me because I know,
even if its just for a second,
that I've crossed your mind.

SoMeWhErE bEtWeEn AlL oF oUr LaUgHs, LoNg TaLkS, sTuPiD lItTlE fIgHtS,
AnD aLl Of OuR jOkEs

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sweetest Girl.. because 25 to life is no joke

You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast-and you'll eventually lose someone u love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt- because every sixty seconds u spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back

I've been walked on, used and forgotten and I don't regret one moment of it because in those moments, I've learned a lot. I've learned who I can trust and can't. I've learned the meaning of friendship. I've learned how to tell when people are lying and when they're sincere. I've learned how to be a teenager, and how to grow up when I need to. I've been to hell and back a few times, and I won't ever take what I have for granted. This is life, live it one day at a time. You never know how many days you've got left.

There will be a new chapter

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all my Pimpkinz ;3

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we finally kiss goodnight
How I hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still goodbye-ing
As long as you love me so
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Oh, it doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've brought some corn for popping
and the lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
OH... let it snow

All the way home I'll be warm
All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying
And my dear I'm still goodbye-ing
As long you love me so

Let it snow, Let it Snow, Let it snow
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

Friday, December 23, 2011

Pisces - mean or kind?

Was Googling some books and zodiac updates found this lil something about Pisces people.

Completely Ridiculous Reasons I'll Bawl Like a Baby

I'm not a crier. Period. I've actually had friends look shocked when I've cried, and have even had one friend go so far as to ask, "Emm, can I hug you?" But there are a few reasons that I will immediately a baby. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Any animal related tragedy--My mom often tells the story of one Saturday morning when I was about nine and I came rushing towards her SOBBING. she finally dragged out that I had just completed my first viewing of "Where the Red Fern Grows". To this day, I never watch it again, same goes for "Hachiko".

2. Any unexpected kindness or goodness in a person (real or fictional)--Usually if I'm watching a movie and a questionable character suddenly reveals pure motives. I'm DONE. Oh, and don't even get me started on if someone whom I don't really care for or know gives me a hug when I'm angry or upset.DONE.

3. Unsolicited kindness--A few years ago, I was going through an extremely difficult time in my life. Without prodding, one of my friends looked at me for a moment and then out of nowhere said, "You're a good person, you know that?" Sheesh! I'm getting all teary even thinking about it.(BTW, if you're thinking something nice about someone, SAY IT. You never know how much your words can mean to someone in that moment.)

4. Any time one of my friends is broken and hurting--I'm usually the "strong" (read: "practical", "levelheaded", or "Encourager") one in my friendships, but I can't handle it when one of my favorite people bawls in front of me.

5. Getting so angry I could break something--Every once in awhile, I'll get so mad, the tears flow like a river. And then I get more mad because I'm crying. Gah!! (Furious Minx)

What gets your waterworks going?

Minxy: So that you know. I am, a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin and a friend. A partner and a student. A young girl and a grown woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving, caring, thoughtful and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly, careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, mi-guided and mislead. I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears. I smile on the outside while am hurting on the inside. I listen to others who wont listen to me. I walk on eggshells and i walk on fire. I believe in passion and true love. I am everything and nothing all at once. -- But I'm Happy

Have a lovely weekend!

Being happy doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections

Charlie Brown: I think I’m afraid to be happy.

Lucy: How can you be afraid to be happy?

Charlie Brown: Because whenever you get too happy, something bad always happens.
- Peanuts

Happiness is:
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket.
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Chocolate milkshake ... (or vanilla ... or strawberry!)
12. A bubble bath.
13. Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach
16. Finding a 20 note in your jeans.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. Eye contact with a you love ones.
19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20. Running through sprinklers.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful/good looking.
23. Laughing at an inside joke.
24. Friends.
25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
27. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
29. Playing with a new puppy.
30. Having someone play with your hair.
31. Sweet dreams.
32. Hot chocolate.
33. Road trips with friends.
34. Swinging on swings.
35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
36. Making chocolate chip cookies (and eating them...!).
37. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
38. Holding hands with someone you care about.
39. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
40. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
41. Watching the sunrise.
42. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
43. Knowing that somebody misses you.
44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
45. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.

Minxy:You know, when I was in grade school, they told me to write down what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I wrote down happy.
They told me I didn't understand the assignment,
I told them they didn't understand life


面對面坐著 眼神不屑一顧
擠出的笑容 看起來好突兀
我走錯一步 墜入萬丈深谷

還是會想起 你的荒唐糊塗
針剛刺在心上 血流已如注
背叛了幸福 拿愛當賭注

男:曾把感情放逐 女:何時能結束
男:遇到你我想停止遊牧 女:讓愛歸真返璞

合唱:飄泊會落幕 承諾說得那麼銘心刻骨

男:你的眼淚讓我無助 女:你懂不懂我為愛忍辱 

女:不甘我們的愛死在半途 男:聽見你的心還在哭
女:遺忘不及痛蔓延速度 希望你能覺悟(男:我真的領悟)

合唱:傷口慢慢癒合 再被愛包覆

Minxy: 我。。终于,学会这首歌了。

许志安 - 昨迟人

迟了听你细诉 你曾迷途和那理想跟前途 多么糊涂 
迟了半秒约 你晚饭漫步在那海滨公园一只足印 如同共舞 
这恋爱的信徒 再一次失去爱神怜悯 一次要被遗下在半途 
迟了送上雨伞 雨仍毛毛 谁与你竟潜逃 终于徒劳 
迟了爱你替你抹掉问号 迟了抱紧只手差点经已同行共老
这恋爱的旅途 我想要得到却拾到 多么糟可给我为你填补
昨日像得到 迟来无去路 给你与某人在长夜共抱 只懂得安慰或时候未到
天未亮都需要为你虚耗 (当日或今日亦一样残酷) 陪我细诉 (来)和我抱抱
为何天空一个城堡 仰望却无法触到 盖着被铺 彷似终得到安土
笑着投入你(的)怀抱 (我会祝福你安好 快乐投入那些怀抱)
我在昨日为何迟未说出 心中想告诉你那些话 那份说话为何留待了他
细心听他讲一百遍 但已丑化心已火花 迟了吻你两片唇红红而那眼睛都红红
心中重重 迟了疼你与你抱着做攀直到昨天分手 只懂一个呆呆目送
今天我一个人 再一次失去爱神护荫 今天他 当天你 如何残忍

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Worst Student In Class?

Days ago, I was talking with a friend of mine when half way through the conversation she gave me advice on something. I then proceeded to attack her ideas with my own views on life and such. At the end of the conversation she told me (word for word):

“I’m just trying to be helpful, but you’re always too busy justifying your own logic that it doesn’t seem like you take my advice into consideration.”

For a brief moment I was stunned by this sentence (how could I not be, it makes me sound like an ignorant b*tch), but then I realized something; this is one of the positive qualities that makes me, me.

Hear me out.

"Anyone can give advice, but few can defend it once it’s attacked."

In a classroom scenario I would probably be that kid constantly asking the teacher “Why, why, why” after everything she says; the worst student in class. However, I wouldn’t be asking them all the “why” questions so that I could catch them slipping up, or somehow prove I’m better than them. I’d be asking them so that I get a better sense of what they are saying for myself.

Yes, I can choose the easy path of just nodding my head and being a yes man (yes child in this case), but that wouldn’t do anything to fulfill the reason why we are all there in the first place, for someone to truly learn something.

In fact, that kid that chooses to constantly ask “why” in class is the only one truly learning anything! You might not notice it at a quick glance, but all those “yes kids” who listen, agree instantly, and nod their heads in unison are actually learning less than that kid who stands out from the group by questioning the teacher’s every word

What he’s doing by questioning the teacher is

- Listening to the advice but acknowledging that they still don’t properly understanding the full idea.
- Acknowledging that the teacher has a reason to say what they are saying.
- Asking “why, why, why” in order to find a way in which the advice aligns with his already held beliefs and views in life.
- And lastly, getting his questions answered (hopefully); finally aligning his personal beliefs and fully understand what the teacher is saying.

What the other students are doing is stopping at point number two and just taking the teachers status as the answer to their questions.

"They questioned because they understood that those words the teacher was saying had more weight and experience behind them than could possibly be understood in one brief sentence."

Why do you think the “application” area is worth so much in schools nowadays? Teachers want to know that you can apply the information they gave you to different situations in life.

"They want to know that you can fish for a life-time, not just one-time."

Maybe that’s why they usually end up being the teacher’s favorite student at the end of the year. Throughout the year the teacher probably noticed that the worst student is in fact the only one that truly understood them, while the rest were just a bunch of hollow “yes kids”.

And surprisingly, in all that questioning the student actually helped the teacher learn something too! Through all “self-defence” they had to do, the teacher got a better sense of why they said what they said, and how they themselves could apply it to other, now obvious, areas of life.

Nobody Cares If You Do Drugs When You Are A Rock Star

Flaws. We all have them.

Seriously, WE ALL HAVE THEM; no matter what anybody says.

So,how come we allow the people we reckon “better” than us to have their flaws?… Yet hate ourselves to no end because we have our own?

Why do we tell ourselves that those “flaws” in fact make them great?… Yet develop a psychologically deep hatred for our own?

Look at all the rockstars in our world. How many are doing drugs? Heavy drugs? Deadly drugs?… A lot!

Yet, we allow them! We tell ourselves that it comes with the “genius”.

Genius is rebellious. Genius is misunderstood. Genius is wild!

Geniuses have flaws that make them better.

Rockstar wouldn’t be able to write that kind of music if they weren’t on drugs.

Blues artists wouldn’t be able to sing the blues if they weren’t impoverished.

Tech billionaire geeks wouldn’t be able to be that smart if they weren’t bad with girls.

…etc. …etc.

Yet these people don’t pick at their flaws. NO! They embrace them! And move on to doing what their good at.

And we’re okay with that.

Question. Why don’t we see ourselves that way?

Why don’t we accept our flaws, and move on?… Instead of picking at them, and picking at them, and picking at them?

Monday, December 19, 2011

100% Selfish

I came to a realization that, for lack of a better word. That realization was: We are all selfish. And not just at a minimum; entirely selfish.

None of us are selfless.

This doesn’t have to be a downer though (I’m not saying this just to ruin your day), there are many positives that come out of us being selfish. First of, the good news is that we are not intentionally selfish (which is a good thing);

We are selfish as a by-product of us having feeling

Daily life of selfish,

Why do you eat an apple or drink orange juice? Do you just do it to do it? With no thought behind it whatsoever? Not likely. You (I’m presuming you’re normal) eat and drink to satisfy a feeling that you’re having. Whether that feeling is one of hunger, or of thirst, you satisfy it (or at least try to).

Normal cycles of satisfaction usually go like this:

I feel hungry –> I eat food –> I feel full/satisfied.
I feel thirsty –> I drink water –> I feel quenched/satisfied.
I feel tired –> I sleep –> I feel rested/satisfied.

Even when we are helping others, we are selfish. Even when we’re kind, we are selfish.

All because of those darned feelings of ours.

When you give money to the poor are you not happy? Yes, you are. Because you just gave something to yourself in the process; the feeling that you are caring.

When you help a homeless person by giving them all your spare change it’s obvious to see that you’re doing it to make them feel happy, but do you realize that you’re also doing it to make yourself feel happy? Do you realize that through making them happy, you yourself are happy? This is because you’re happy for other reasons. You are happy in that situation because you feel caring. You are happy because you feel kind.

We can’t be feeling-less, and thus we can’t be unselfish.

The best thing we can do in this situation is to realize that “Yes, we are selfish. But how can we use this to do good?” We have to live with the fact that we are selfish and move on.

We have to look towards the fact that we are all going to die in order for us to truly enjoy life (look at the bad in order to see the good), we must do the same with selfishness.

If we’re all selfish, how can we train ourselves to be selfish in a good way?

I’ll leave you with that.

minxy: Thank you for your selfishness, because of that I've found my path, I'm glad.

Best Work of Art I've Seen It's Not A Painting - It's A Person

There isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story. ~ Mary Lou Kownacki

I think the most beautiful pieces of art I’ve ever seen are people. People in themselves. People alone. People in groups. I guess that’s why I stare. Everytime I find myself looking at another person, truly looking at them, I find myself admiring them more than I ever could the Mona Lisa. I don’t know why but in that brief moment I see more than the exterior… It’s the little details that get to me.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Truths that men have about women

So this post will be about the truths men have about women. Such as:

1) I look at and am attracted to other women. Everyday.
2) I will never tell you the full details of my past relationship.
3) I sometimes enjoy hanging with my friends more than I do with you.
4) I don’t really know if I’m happy in this relationship or not. So stop asking.
5) I love sex. More than you will ever know.
6) I care about how you look. More than you will ever know.
7) I love it when you don’t hesitate to start the sex.
8) We have an ego, no matter what we say. Be careful. Especially in bed.
9) If we say we’ll call you after meeting and getting your number. We will.
10)If we say we’ll call you after an awkward/crazy/weird/sad first date. We won’t.
11)If we randomly say, without encouragement, that we like you. We really do.
12)If we say that we like you, after you confessed your undying love for us. We really don’t.
13)I still compare my ex-girlfriends to you. You mostly win.
14)I watch porn. Like it’s new?
15)I flirt with at least one other woman in my life.
16)I want sex twice as much as I’m having it. Told you I liked sex.
17)I’ve faked it sometimes. Less than you, but I have. You’ll never know.

The ‘men’ list is shorter than the ‘women’ one simply because men think about these things less than women (or maybe men have less to hide in a world where mainly women are pressured to be perfect). But see for yourself whether you disagree or agree with the list(s)

Truths that women have about men

We all know women keep certain things from men (men from women too but that’s later), not a surprise to many of you. Here’s a few of them:

1) My best friend knows everything.
2) Even if i insist on paying/splitting the bill on our first date. I’ll think you’re cheap if you let me.
3) I sleep/keep your clothes because they smell like you.
4) I’ll never tell the truth about how many guys I’ve slept with.
5) I’m constantly testing you.
6) I masturbate. Maybe, As regularly as you do.
7) I think about sex with you. A LOT.
8) I’m as nervous about commitment as you are.
9) I like to make you jealous. A little.
10) I like it when you lead. In the bedroom and out.
11) I’ve fantasized about having sex with you before we actually did. Countless times.
12) I still compare my ex-boyfriends to you. You mostly win.
13) My body is not naturally this hairless. You’ll never know how hard I work to keep it that way though.
14) I’ve seen your porn stash/websites. I find it hilarious.
15) You’ve made me cry more than you will ever know.
16) I like it when you talk a little dirty.
17) The more I like you, the less likely I will sleep with you quickly. Alcohol will ruin this plan though.
18) I need constant reminders that you want me around.
19) I start fights with you because I’m feeling ignored. I’m trying to force emotion out of you.
20) If I’m going to break up with you. All my friends know before you.
21) I get hit on more than you realize.
22) I’ve done at least one thing I would rather you never know.
23) I fake it sometimes. More than you’ll ever know.

Women aren’t alone in this though, men also keep things from women.

What have you done for someone else recently?

"It's that time of year," is a poor excuse for being friendly once a year, but I live in KL. If I gave a dollar to every homeless person that asked I would be homeless by the end of the year. Besides, you could make someones day everyday and not feel guilty.
We all know something is special about the end of the year if you last that long. So, all together, we make an acception to the rule and add to the top of our "I'm Broke List," do something nice for someone else.

Have you done it yet? Have you made someone's day?

Did I miss THE CLASS?

You know, that class that taught everyone how to be ‘normal’? … I keep looking around me and notice that I am, to put it gently, different. I’m not saying that to boost my own ego, It’s just that at this point I literary have no other way to describe myself.

A moment of your time
Let me take a moment to tell you that this is a rant, if you have no room for a rant in your life right now, then turn back, stop reading this right now and go read something else.

Why is it that at 25 years of age I have more drive to do what I love in life and start living NOW than the vast majority of people around me?

I love being in a room, headphones on, ignoring everybody… just as much as I love being in a crowd, on stage, in front of hundreds of people, dancing my ass off

Why must I always constrain myself just so that other’s won’t think I’m weird?

Did I miss a class that told people not to do all these things? Not to feel passionate about a variety of things? And, not to take life seriously at a young age?

I had to let this off my chest (thanx for allowing me to)

I'm looking for people who missed the same class as me..


Heaven bend to take my hand and lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer to a long and painful fight
Truth be told I tried my best
But somewhere along the way, I got caught up in all there was to offer
But the cost was so much more than I could bear

Though I've tried,

I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I messed up
Better I should know
So don't come 'round here and
Tell me I told you so

We all begin with good intent
When love was raw and young
We believe that we can change ourselves
The past can be undone
But we carry on our back the burdens time always reveals
In the lonely light of morning
In the wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
I've held so dear

minxy: Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Do you Want? Love..?❤

In a world so free of choice I feel like we’re so overwhelmed with options we can’t ever decide on only one thing. We become a jack-of-all-trades in order to really take advantage of the availability of everything in the world. And of course, we apply this to relationships. We want so many things, and it never fits into one single person.

I hope one thing is certain:

We all want love.

But the degree of love is up in the air. Some people demand more, less, equivalent, conditional, unconditional. Whatever your desire, I’m sure at least one person shares it. But no other person shares the same life as you; the same thoughts, the same values, the same needs. And this is where we find conflict in pretty much every other individual we confront.

I hate it when you say one thing, but you mean something else. And it’s nobody’s fault, but someone gets hurt. When someone says he loves you, and truly does, and you say you love him too, but beyond all that you want to be together and share a future but he doesn’t think a future exists.

The classic quote, “I love you, but I can’t be with you” always breaks my heart.

So why spend your life searching for that object of love just to let it go? Once you find it, I’d assume, you’d want to keep it locked in a case where you hold the key wrapped around your neck. But I realize some people live only for the search for love and don’t have any intention to keep it captive. So how are we ever going to get what we want?

Do we even really want anything? Or are we too obsessed about the want for something everyone is supposed to want? We either spend a lifetime searching for love, fantasizing about it and with whom we might have it with, or we spend a lifetime resenting it after realizing how much pain, stress, and frustration that accompanies it. Can we ever have the love the way we want it? Or will it always be that ungraspable piece of life we can never get our hands on?

So I guess it makes sense for the community to live with a diversity of relationships since no one commitment will completely do the trick. To associate oneself in a multitude of love relations so we’ll never essentially run out of it. In love, I'm that kind that focus on one thing and do it amazingly well, somehow at the end of the day, i'm still the second option. Can that apply to love?

Can we find all our fulfillment in one person if we direct all our attention to it?

minxy: was inspired to write this post after much talking to a good friend UngUng, i hope he'll soon find his true love.

Chasing excitements ?

Do you know what will make you happy for the next ten years? How ’bout five? four? three?!

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll truthfully answer no (if you’re not, then you’ll lie and say yes). None of us can predict what will make us happy in the years ahead of us. How could we?! We live in a constantly changing world where we experience new and fascinating things every single day. No matter how hard we try to foresee the future, at the end of the day we’re all ‘just human’.

As a kid did I know I would come to love blogging and all these cool gadgets, especially since I barely had access to one (born in poverty)? No. Did I know that I had this entrepreneurial drive in me where I would come to love business, marketing, and connecting with people? No. Did I know that I would also come to love photography, graphic design, writing, and anything/everything related to art? No. Did I know that personal events in my life would make me seek out and eventually love self improvement, philosophy, and psychology? No. Just few years back, did I know that I would start my own blog (and write on it as often as i get)? sure no!

Well then, what do I know? First of all, I know that I like to ramble on about what I don’t know (self-obsessed?). But, most importantly, I know that I will never, ever know what’s going to make me happy in the future. I know that I can find myself being happy in situations I never thought would make me happy (happy being single and not rich), and sad in situations where I thought I would finally find happiness (finally fitting into real estate job).

I know that my happiness will never be derived from one thing in my life.

So… how am I supposed to know what one “career” I want down the road? Pick what makes me happy right? I just proved that I don’t know what going to make me happy tomorrow, let alone for the next 40 years of my life. How do you possible expect me to properly respond back to you with anything other than pure gibberish when you tell me “Pick a career which fits everything that makes you happy in it and pursue it”. Uhmm… “Hi, my name is Sydney Wan and I’m an actress-talent-model-voice over talent-real estate negotiator-child singer-community helping-psychology interested-philosophy reading-photography & music loving-entrepreneurially-holistic beauty enthusiastic-random blogger” Quiet a mouth full right? (LOL)

Well, I think I’ve finally found an answer that’s short and sweet.

“Hi, my name is Sydney Wan and I do whatever excites me.”

You get the idea. As Mavis Leyrer said:

“The object of life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, Holy sh*t, what a ride!!!

I’m going to make sure that whatever I do, I end every single day worn out and worthwhile.

I’ve already figured out I don’t know what makes me happy, but I do know what makes me excited. How? Well, am I constantly thinking about it? Am I sweating for no apparent reason? Am I biting my nails uncontrollably? Am I moving around so much that I can’t sit still? If the answer’s yes, then I’ll know I’m excited about it. I’ll know it’s what I have to do that day.

What makes you excited? What makes your heart beat uncontrollably fast and raises your body temperature up a notch? Found it? Do it. Forget answering that age old question of “What makes you happy”; you don’t honestly know. Just take it one step at a time, figure out what’s going to excite you today, and do everything in your power to accomplish it. If it still excites you tomorrow, even better, you have another day to be as excited as you were yesterday (if not more).

Now, what if you find yourself doing something that doesn’t excite you? The excitement of being an entrepreneur unfortunately involves the boredom of being an accountant. What I do is ask myself whether the excitement out-weights the boredom. Being an accountant for one week is reasonable if you’re an entrepreneur for a year. Being a salesperson for one day is reasonable if you’re an artist for six days of the week. As long as your excitement out-weighs all else, you’re good. Remember, end each day totally worn out (if you’re not worn out you didn’t give it your all), shouting, Holy sh*t, what a ride!!!

Hi, My Name Is Sydney Wan, What Do You Do?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

” It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. ” ~Albert Einstein

We all encounter difficult situations and problems in our life. Problems at work, in school, at home, in relationships and even with your dog.

Some are tough, some are manageable and some easy to solve.

Our value increases when we are able to solve and troubleshoot tough problems, knotty issues in life and at work. We do not increase in value solving issues that can be solved with our eyes closed – because they are simply not problems anymore.

And our value will increase even more when we are willing to stay with problems, resolving to solve them for ourselves or for others.

This is because at the end of the day, it is not the problems that matter…. but it is our character….

A problem is merely a tool in moulding our character. <3

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. ” – Henry David Thoreau

This is such a deep saying…..

Many times we always think that one is rich when we have things and money.

But the issue is not about having possessions.

It is about whether possessions have us…..

Thus, richness on a higher level is truly about contentment.

Being contented with what we have and letting go of what we don’t have.

Such riches requires not a million dollars but a change of mindset.

BiBu BiBu~ Aldolphy

Sleeping on the luggage bag, i think he wants me to pack him in..

Friday, December 9, 2011






























好想,累的时候抱抱你!  ­一直以来都觉得,拥抱,较之亲吻更加真实、温馨,那个可以让你依靠的胸膛一定是很温暖的,肩膀也一定很坚实。不然为什么大家在伤心哭泣的时候,总想找个肩膀来依靠呢,我想,其实更多地是想要一个拥抱吧。­拥抱的时候,内心会溢满一种叫甜蜜的情愫,拥抱的感觉是真实和安全的,因为拥抱是有温度的,拥抱是有声音的……










minxy: 。。当你有天白发如霜 偶尔怀念我的模样 会不会忽然就笑起来 ?



我在想 以后长长的人生 不再会参与你的笑 不再会看到你的好

那么多的时光 我们抓住了什么又错过了什么 言不由衷

我看着你眼中的自己 终于明白这些年 是什么一直坚持下去

我是那么谢谢你 在这有限的时光里


minxy: 我是真的幸福吗?





夜幕下,星星的寂寞月知道,梦里的缠绵心知道,我的挂念你知道吗?我的祝福您听到了吗? 牵挂的滋味,就是这样苦苦甜甜;挂念你的感觉,就是这样缠缠绵绵。




我爱你,仅此而已  爱情结束的时候,又把咫尺变成了天涯。


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

不是我不明白 - 梁靜茹‧盧廣仲

我還記得 - 梁靜茹


我還記得那年傾盆大雨 狼狽奔跑穿越幾條街
握緊的雙手 為愛的不顧一切
我還記得那年你的聲音 耳邊迴盪那一句誓言
你吻我的臉 都是我心中 收藏一生的快樂


郭靜- 總算我們也愛過

我們都別哭 p.two

一年前,梁文音教我们 哭过就好了



你先走的 那一步

Hmm 我們都別哭
傷心會浪費你的 呵護
愛 微笑著回顧
有你那段路 短暫卻幸福

看不見 可是我真實感觸
你輕撫 我皮膚

Hmm 我們都別哭
傷心會浪費你的 呵護
愛 微笑著回顧
有你那段路 短暫卻幸福

我相信 是愛

Hmm 我們都別哭
你要到更好的地方 居住
愛 再見面那天
我們再散步 一整個下午

不哭 因為 很愛♥


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unrelenting Suckfest : Ways to Cheer Myself

Say all you want about sunshine in the air and the healing power of positive thinking, but every once in a while a girl just has the kind of day that makes her crawl under her desk and cry three times before noon. Here are my best methods at cheering myself up during those suckfest moments:

Read something fantastic. Save the Kant for when you're trying to impress girls on the bus -- I'm talking about something funny, delightful and deeply comforting. My usual prescription is a few thousand words of Wodehouse, Roald Dahl or any Playboy humor anthology.. Cure especially responsive when taken in conjunction with a slice of oatmeal bread, fun size snickers or mug of hot cocoa.

Turn on the TV and repeat everything in an Hindu accent. You just really need to try this. Preferably with a partner.

Give a stranger a compliment. Sadness is just as self involved as joy is expansive ,and sometimes all you need to do to break the spell is remember that other people out there are having crappy days as well. For that, sometimes I would take a walk down to the convenient store below the apartment while I'm there, look the cashier right in the eye, ask about her day and actually listen, never fail to give a smile and say "Thank You". Maybe it's just the power of pretending to be happy or the knowledge that unlike most customers you're not a huge jerkface, but this psych-up can be pretty dang effective.

Spare some time tackling that chore you've been dreading for weeks. Tidy that messy closet with tons of un-touch clothes, attack the flagged emails in your inbox, whatever that little chore is that nags at you all week. By that time, you might be so into it that you just finish the whole deal. And it's amazing .

I will go workout at the gym and work the heck out of that cross-trainer... even work the pedals faster and harder...and once that is done I will start throwing stuff out that I ignored for months that have no longer been worn or used.

Throw a friggin' tantrum. Because, dude, sometimes you've got to. When I got frustrated while complaining about my day to The Ex, I used to throw myself on the bed, flailing around and ripping off the sheets, or breaking the wine glasses which stood still for the past few days "unwashed". tearing papers.. letting all my built-up exasperation come shrieking out. This is seriously therapeutic for the three minutes before you realize how idiotic you look. And by then, you're already laughing your ass off. Feels better, huh?

As you might be able to tell, I had a kind of lousy day @ work yesterday. What little tricks do you guys use during those days that make you want to punch a kitten in the muzzle?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tokyo Rising :Just Something I Like About

Tokyo Rising | Palladium Boots

I am the absolute princess of procrastination, (Bite Me)

I haven't even tried heading to the department store yet for fear that I will blurt out 'excuse me miss, do you have a perfume that smells as though you've captured Audrey Hepburn's elegance, Christian Slater's badassness and Joni Mitchell's free spirit then distilled it all and put it in a pretty little bottle?'

Actually that's a whole new dilemma. Being the magpie that I am, I'm always drawn to perfumes if they come in charming packaging. I'm not so superficial that if I found a scent I loved in an awful bottle that I wouldn't buy it, It's just that if I found an average fragrance in an amazing bottle I'd buy five...

My Heart Will Go On..

My dearest darling,

I'm not sure what happened.

I'm not sure what I could have done differently.

Sure, I neglected you sometimes - but I swear, baby, I loved you.

I wanted us to be together forever. I had plans, baby. Big plans, that we'd live out our lives together. Maybe as a threesome, but you know? I'm cool. It would have been amazing. A rock solid relationship that would have been the envy of all our friends. I knew you'd be there waiting for me, patiently, ready to go at a moment's notice.

And now? Now, you've gone away from me, and it's been made clear that you aren't coming back. That we'll never spend all those hours together on the weekend, or discreetly every time we party. That our relationship is over, that we're truly not going to be spending those precious moments together.

I still hold out hope that you'll somehow, some way, come back to me and be a part of my life. Be part of what we once were.

I miss you, baby. I don't want to replace you, but you've left me no choice.

Good bye, sweet Follie Follie stack of hearts necklace. We had something special, and now it's gone.

Yours until the Heart4Heart new collections arrive,



Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Have Your Animals Taught You?

Yeah, yeah, I'm one of those crazy dog people who often refers to her pets as my own child, talking to them as if they are human beings. i think that is why "Fur Kids" exist, I don't plan on having "Skin Kids" any time soon, that this sort of craziness is justified.

Plus, they are SO CUTE.

Anyway, I've learned a lot from raising my crazy pom mix silky, Dolphy, but the addition of this little boy to the family has taught me an entirely different set of lessons. Consider:

● Sleep has an important hand in cuteness--Like all animals, my boy LOVES to sleep. He will find a cozy pillow (or starts with the corner of the bed, and slowly migrate himself next to you without knowing, because they love the warmth, and that's what dogs do) and snooze for hours.(Sometimes, he'll pull the blanket down and coil himself up) And it's adorable. I've upped my own sleep-intake, hoping for the same results.

● Life is curious, check it out--A new noise or object or movement is always reason for wide eyes and exploration. As a not-so-adventurous person myself, I have taken cues from my little fearless one that life is pretty cool, and even small things can be immensely entertaining.

● Playing is serious business--My dog sleeps a lot, but when he is awake, he aren't simply watching TV side by side.. tearing around the apartment with abandon, playing his own same old squishy ducky for the past 5 years, or even with a funny bit of fuzz he found. Making time for play is important for humans, too, and I am learning that even though I've left my Childhood, I should still play

● When it's cold, snuggle--Pets knows that when the weather turns cold, " Two dogs are better than one, and a human is better than two dogs". In other words, they can be incredibly independent, but they know when they need help from someone else. Yeah...

● Tolerance is sometimes a better alternative to anger--My little nephew loves to torture my dog by pushing him and also plays BEN 10 Vs Creature Dog..(Sweat!) little nephew thinks this is super fun, the dog? Well, probably not so much, but he tolerates it, probably because it's way more effort to squeeze himself under the couch. In my life, there are people and situations that drive me nuts, but I can't just get pissy anytime I'm confronted by these things. I learned early on (and it's been reiterated by my dog) people have quirks, and if I wrote everyone off for his or her little annoyances, I wouldn't have any friends.

Things I Learned in College that didn't Come from a Textbook

What I learned was:
●If you drink 13 shots of tequilla in an hour you will throw up.

●You can go to Every Class but if you don't study and READ the textbook you can still fail.

●That guy really is checking you out.

●Reaching college early for the cafeteria hall so your first on line for an omelet is Amazing. =)

●The love of your young life is nothing like the love you choose when you get older. Thank goodness!

●My time there was actually some of the most carefree in my life (but couldn't have convinced me of that at the time)

I still learned a few life lessons. You know, because that's what you're supposed to do in college.

To Think about it--No really, think about it. Think about everything you've ever been taught, throw it out the window, start from the beginning and re-think it through. Stop taking everything for granted. Question everything. Yes, it'll get you into trouble, and yes, it may mean that you break ties with people and ideas, but it's awesome.

Trying new things should be a way of life--So maybe I didn't get much of a chance to try a space cake for first time, but improv? Strolling around Kl city without an agenda? Tasting weird delicacies? Yes, yes, and yes.

The coolest teachers will force you to grow beyond the subject matter--Whether it's your college professor, your boss, or a mentor, the best teachers will ask you to read the book, then challenge you to reach beyond the words and think, "How will I be different knowing what I know now?"

Spontaneity is the key! :)

A Good friend of mine once shared these with me(His ways of survival during the college years) :

1. Lying will save you from getting expelled. Trust me, his wanted to have a book written of " Excuses "

2. Sleeping (to stay healthy) is more important than getting A's. I need to DIG him up to CLASS! Sheesh.

3. Accepting everything people tell you is the surest way to make a total idiot of yourself.Maybe that is why he never was friendly..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

: What is priceless to you?

My dog, dolphy
He drives me insane sometimes by his demanding act, each day drives me crazy by running around, tripping over to tell me how his day was. But then I realize how happy he is. To see ME. That's something.

The snuggles, encouragement, validation, etc.
Who doesn’t love snuggles? Fun to give, fun to receive, and guaranteed to make a bad day better. When I doubt myself or hesitate in making a decision, he’ll be there to tell me to go for it. And when I’m having an ”I feel fat/ugly/bloated” day and nothing looks right, he’ll still tell me I’m beautiful…or tell me, “Get over it.”

Discovering our rituals
I have my Ways I Like Things from years, and his. How will they work together? Who feeds the dog? Who takes the first shower? Will we make time for each other in the morning, at night, or both? Will we go out to brunch every Sunday or take turns cooking and read to each other? Endless possibilities.

The cooking
A Bowl of hot noodles awaits me warms my heart every single time..

Sharing a space
I love being utterly myself in a shared space. It adds a layer of security and acceptance to the relationship. And it almost makes it MORE fun when we get dressed up and go out on a date.

A good laugh
I love laughing. I do it a lot. But you know those laughs that just bubble up inside of you and make your whole body feel alive and amazing? I LOVE those laughs.

Ice cream
This is probably my favorite dessert ever. I usually go for plain vanilla from ikea or Oreo Mc Flury, but do like stuff like corn flakes milk yogurt too. Ice cream can fix a bad mood ANYDAY.

Last, but most definitely not least: my amazing partner.
He puts up with me, he listens to me, he tries hard ALL THE TIME. I'm incredibly blessed. (Oh, and he's the cause of most of my laughter, so we really do make a great match.)



别跟着我 铭心 刻骨
明天 开始 这一切都结束

Sharing Secrets

However, that doesn't mean that we have to keep all of our secrets...

Here are some previously undisclosed facts about me:

●I have fallen in love twice before
●I believe in ghosts/spirits/souls
●I love change
●I am incredibly stubborn
●I do all of my serious thinking in the shower
●I become infatuated ridiculously easily
●Sometimes I'd rather be alone then hang out with anybody
●I am possibly the most insecure narcissist on the planet
●As naive as it may be, I truly believe that deep down, people are good and that everything will be okay.
●I will totally pick my nose if I think you're not looking
●sometimes i KNOW i'm wrong, but i still don't apologize.
●I have a clothing addiction but I'd really like to become a minimalist
●I always have a 'thing' for older opposite sex



We'd like to be better at...starting tomorrow:

1. Walking my dog--The dog and I are super love to sloth in our comfort-zone, he needs some fresh air, i knew he loves the outdoors, but when it's raining? Or cold? Well, we just sit inside, and then one walkless day passes, then two...then all of a sudden, he's a crazy-pants animal and does weird OCD things. So yeah, I'd like to be better at walking the dog every day (at the least?).

2. Getting rid of things I have a feigned sentimental attachment to--Really? I really NEED to keep those old skool worn-out Tops because I used to love mini-Tee and because I used to love them, I should love them still? And they're somehow important to my life? No, TNR, no. Just donate the suckers already.

3. Losing touch with people--Yeah, there's Facebook, but I don't spend enough actual time with people who aren't in my immediate circle of friends. For shame. I really MISS my old co-workers, but for some reason, I don't ever make an effort to re-connect as much as I should.

4. Ignoring problems in the hope that they'll just go away--Well, this never works, does it. Crap.

5. Moving on from an unhealthy food choice--All the experts say that if you eat something you shouldn't, just forget about it and continue to eat healthily the rest of the day. But no...I get it into my head, "Well, I ate ONE pizza, and that ruins EVERYTHING, so I should just have icecream." I'm definitely getting better at this one, but that doesn't mean that there aren't days when the only green thing I'll eat happens to be a piece of candy.


I'd Like to Say to People but Probably Can't (or Definitely Shouldn't)

I'm not a confrontational person at all, but there are phrases I'd love to utter at times, but social conventions keep my lips tightly sealed. Selections are:

● "You are a nasty, nasty child, and I dislike you very much"--Um, apparently, people don't like when you say these kinds of things to their children, even if those children are screaming bloody murder, hitting or biting their parents and siblings, or giving you a dirty look for no reason. And, honestly, I could somewhat forgive a child's bad behavior in a super market/mall, but NOT in a Hotel restaurant or library, where it's supposed to be quiet.

● "You look ridiculous"--There are some people that can carry off crazy hair and nake-up and over-the-top trends with ease. Usually, these people are in the habit of changing their look regularly, and they have a sense of who they are. It's the people that try trends and miss the mark that make me roll my eyes so far into the back of my head I can see my brain stem. Those are TIGHTS, not LEGGINGS you're wearing. You are PANTSLESS.

● "Try to imagine how little I care"--I want to say that abt a million times a day.

● "I don't know who you are and I wish you stopped thinking of me as your friend."--Usually happened during high school with people that didn't know me well enough to judge me (still am) and insisted on asking me insane questions in the hallway.

● "That statement is factually incorrect. I know you are wrong and the more you try to convince me you are right, the lower my opinion of you is getting." by thinking of it, the best i often did was just a smirk on my face .. -.- maybe I'll try a loud "EHHHHHHHH!" like a game show buzzer. Sometimes that's fun. :) #imsuchameanie to have that thought!

Not quite "Get It"..?

I thought that one of the perks of spending quarter of my life would be that, at the very least, I'd have "arrived." Nope! Turns out that I still have a few things I haven't quite mastered yet. Here goes:

1. Unless someone is offering kind, constructive criticism that genuinely seeks to help you improve, random opinions about you/your person/your style/your dreams DO NOT MATTER. Seriously, let's all participate in a giant group EFF YOU to those who feel the need to put you down or otherwise try to destroy your happiness. Sheesh, though, if I still don't feel like a kid in high school sometimes. Blerg..

2. Sometimes silence is an appropriate (and the best!) response. I often have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but sometimes it really is better not to say anything at all. Just STFU. I've found that you can often seem more wise and put together if you can just let it go (whatever "it" is).

3. Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Um, yeah. Cookies are yummy, especially when you're starving. You'll spend unnecessarily..

minxy: I *like* playing with makeup, thankyouverymuch.

To Top that, here are some: Lessons I Never Seem to Learn

●I don't need that much dessert/snickers

●I never eat just one or two,always the whole box of blueberry puffs, Better to buy none! (Maybe i didn't want it to sit cold inside the fridge and i knew i wont touch it anymore)

●Dealing with things straight away is always so much better than procrastinating

●Hitting snooze on my alarm one more time will make me late for work/the day

●Less time to get ready before going out, i always take my own sweet time (one and a half hours at the least to be ready, so y'all need to inform me earlier yo!)

●I don't actually need another pair of shoes

●Not everyone 'gets' my attempts at humor, especially not Maypril Wong.

●I'll keep falling in love until he breaks my heart AGAIN

●I should never make a priority of someone who considers me to be an option

●I need to stop studying for an exam the night before

●Letting my dog take charge instead of me

Phew.. that was a long list..maybe i should like..Start LEARNING NOW?!

Stuff That Makes Me Feel Better When I'm Grumpy

Let's get started, shall we?

1. Carbs...really, really starchy ones--Really, is there anything more soothing for a grumptastic mood than a big, steaming bowl of mac and cheese? Or creamy pasta with bacon bits? How about a yummy mash? No, I think not.

2. A massage--The Boyfriend is good at these, but sometimes, I'll throw in the cash to let a masseur do the wonders for this body of mine. How can you be grumpy when someone is literally smoothing your stress away? That's right...YOU CAN'T.

3. Cleaning--Yeah, I'm one of THOSE weird ones. A picked up, clean-smelling space always does wonders for my mood. Like, I feel like if I can eat off my super-spotless toilet seat, maybe not all is wrong with the world.

4. Finishing a mani/pedicure--I was supposed to go on and pamper myself for a good mani with beautiful nail art sitting in the nail parlor, and I'm sure they can provide a quick and hassle free service than doing it myself, but somehow, getting it done all by myself a nice nail art makes me think that maybe I don't hate the world so much after all.

5. A nap--I posted on Twitter that men think about sex every seven seconds, but I think about naps. Big nap-avocate. And it's (mostly) true! I'm a girl that needs her sleep, so even just a little twenty minuter can do wonders for my mood.#ineedmybeautysleep

6. Silence--I like (need) to be left alone at home on my couch, in silence, with some jazz/bossa and a steaming cup of rose-buds & mint tea. And have my dog beside me. It helps if if there's a huge storm (rain is good, thunder is better), brewing outside. All of a suddent, I find peace.

And when it's not, chocolate milk or puppy cuddles is a good back up plan too..

Seating Chart: Where will you be sitting for Thanks Gving Dinner?

Put out a funny seating chart to help you figure out where you'll be sitting Thanksgiving day.

Where will you be sitting for Thanksgiving? Kids table or adult table? Kids table is usually more fun.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mummy.. you are my greatest love of all..

Angel, angel of mine...
This memory of you makes me want to cry
Since you slipped away, you're always on my mind
Why did you have to fly away like that?

Remember those stormy nights?
I would always run to you, and you'd hold me tight
Whispering soothing words, you'd say it'd be alright
And then, suddenly, the sun started to shine

Remember those sunny days?
I wish they hadn't passed away
It's true what grandma used to say
I didn't know what I had until I lost your face
Now I can only feel in my dreams your kiss, your touch,
your soft embrace...

I wish I were strong enough
And get in my head that you're already gone
But your memory won't leave me alone
I miss you so much, mom...

Dedicate this special song to my beloved mama:

Mama she wrote me a letter
Saying she's gonna be fine
Please take good care of your sister
I'll be home in three years time

Mama it seems like forever
You've been gone since I was five
They say you were a good teacher
In the same school where I can't survive

Mama's a maid in London
I want to believe that she's fine
She could be lonely in London
I want to know why she had to go
I need her, I want to be near her
I've got to be with her
And see to it that we're together once more

My English teacher she told me
She wants to be where you are
Mama she's leaving her family
To earn all the money she wants

London, Vancouver, or Hong Kong
Governess, housekeeper, or nurse
What is to happen to all of us children?
With mothers who travel so far

Mama's a maid in London
I want to believe that she's fine
She could be lonely in London
I want to know why she had to go
I need her, I want to be near her
I've got to be with her
And see to it that we're together once more

Once more...


Even though you are far away from me, but i want you to know, that you are always n my thoughts... And i missed the lovely moments that we used to spent together. I love you an missed you so angel, my mama..

i don't know if you can hear me , or if you're even there?
i don't know if you would listen, to a humble prayer..
i ask for nothing that i can get by, yet i know so many less lucky than i.
i don't know if there's a reason why some are blessed some not.

Monday, November 21, 2011


和你都天生太任性 冷戰下互相攻擊
當作透明 寧願死也難出聲
而你我都不會認錯 明明知都並不好過
卻說對方錯 難聽說話偏要講

淩晨天光 為何還未捨得 去開口氹我
卻望到絕望 (La..La..)
然後習慣日日面對面 不再傾講

如果冷淡是預告分開 如果對罵是抹殺將來
想要一日盡情愛 別再一刻傷到心愛
I’m just a girl
And I am darling your women
Your my man

從前不太講 為何沉默 傷得你的心太痛
我後悔被動 (La..La..)
原來為愛日夜 仍送贈一句祝福

如果冷淡是預告分開 如果對罵是抹殺將來
想要一日盡情愛 別再一刻傷到心愛
I’m just a girl
And I am darling your women

和你都天生太任性 鬥氣沒什麼得益
刺痛愛情 才學懂要去珍惜
I’m just a girl
And I am darling your women

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now 。