Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sharing Secrets

However, that doesn't mean that we have to keep all of our secrets...

Here are some previously undisclosed facts about me:

●I have fallen in love twice before
●I believe in ghosts/spirits/souls
●I love change
●I am incredibly stubborn
●I do all of my serious thinking in the shower
●I become infatuated ridiculously easily
●Sometimes I'd rather be alone then hang out with anybody
●I am possibly the most insecure narcissist on the planet
●As naive as it may be, I truly believe that deep down, people are good and that everything will be okay.
●I will totally pick my nose if I think you're not looking
●sometimes i KNOW i'm wrong, but i still don't apologize.
●I have a clothing addiction but I'd really like to become a minimalist
●I always have a 'thing' for older opposite sex

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