Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Not quite "Get It"..?

I thought that one of the perks of spending quarter of my life would be that, at the very least, I'd have "arrived." Nope! Turns out that I still have a few things I haven't quite mastered yet. Here goes:

1. Unless someone is offering kind, constructive criticism that genuinely seeks to help you improve, random opinions about you/your person/your style/your dreams DO NOT MATTER. Seriously, let's all participate in a giant group EFF YOU to those who feel the need to put you down or otherwise try to destroy your happiness. Sheesh, though, if I still don't feel like a kid in high school sometimes. Blerg..

2. Sometimes silence is an appropriate (and the best!) response. I often have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but sometimes it really is better not to say anything at all. Just STFU. I've found that you can often seem more wise and put together if you can just let it go (whatever "it" is).

3. Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Um, yeah. Cookies are yummy, especially when you're starving. You'll spend unnecessarily..

minxy: I *like* playing with makeup, thankyouverymuch.

To Top that, here are some: Lessons I Never Seem to Learn

●I don't need that much dessert/snickers

●I never eat just one or two,always the whole box of blueberry puffs, Better to buy none! (Maybe i didn't want it to sit cold inside the fridge and i knew i wont touch it anymore)

●Dealing with things straight away is always so much better than procrastinating

●Hitting snooze on my alarm one more time will make me late for work/the day

●Less time to get ready before going out, i always take my own sweet time (one and a half hours at the least to be ready, so y'all need to inform me earlier yo!)

●I don't actually need another pair of shoes

●Not everyone 'gets' my attempts at humor, especially not Maypril Wong.

●I'll keep falling in love until he breaks my heart AGAIN

●I should never make a priority of someone who considers me to be an option

●I need to stop studying for an exam the night before

●Letting my dog take charge instead of me

Phew.. that was a long list..maybe i should like..Start LEARNING NOW?!

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