Sunday, December 18, 2011

Did I miss THE CLASS?

You know, that class that taught everyone how to be ‘normal’? … I keep looking around me and notice that I am, to put it gently, different. I’m not saying that to boost my own ego, It’s just that at this point I literary have no other way to describe myself.

A moment of your time
Let me take a moment to tell you that this is a rant, if you have no room for a rant in your life right now, then turn back, stop reading this right now and go read something else.

Why is it that at 25 years of age I have more drive to do what I love in life and start living NOW than the vast majority of people around me?

I love being in a room, headphones on, ignoring everybody… just as much as I love being in a crowd, on stage, in front of hundreds of people, dancing my ass off

Why must I always constrain myself just so that other’s won’t think I’m weird?

Did I miss a class that told people not to do all these things? Not to feel passionate about a variety of things? And, not to take life seriously at a young age?

I had to let this off my chest (thanx for allowing me to)

I'm looking for people who missed the same class as me..

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