Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy girls are the prettiest.

50 Things I Dislike.

1. People who take things (like life in general) too seriously.
2. Disease.
3. Famine.
4. The lack of acceptance in the world.
5. When people lie.
6. The fact that I forgot to water my ribbon plants and now they're dead.
7. Generally seedy people.
8. Arguments.
9. Cockroaches/lizards.
10. I can't think of any more, who would ever dislike more than 10 things?

50 Things I Like.

1. Rainy Days.
2. Dancing till my feet hurt.
3. Dressing up.
4. Red hair.
5. Boys with chest tattoos.
6. A good set of morals.
7. Baking anything with chocolate chips/honeycomb.
8. A tiny little fluffball of a dog named Dolphy.
9. Beach days at byron bay.
10. Sunday sessions at the Vine Sanctuary/lunchtime.
11. Movie marathons, all the time.
12. Pesto Pasta.
13. Snickers.
14. Shoes. All shoes. I don't discriminate.
15. Hugs. Cuddles. Anything else you want to call it.
16. Long crazy conversations.
17. Pointless road trips at midnight.
18. Martha Stewart.
19. Mango. Boy do I love those mango.
20. A slice of cake at a lounge with my fav music.
21. Hot chocolate with 5 marshmallows.
22. Sunset when the clouds are purple and the sky is pink.
23. The feeling you get after you've just cleaned your room.
24. The smell of vanilla essence.
25. Surprises.
26. Getting little notes left for me.
27. Having dinner with my parents, it doesn't happen as often now, so I appreciate it more.
28. Long walks in the evening.
29. Singing along to cheesy pop songs to stay awake on the way home.
30. Late night phone calls.
31. Being cosy in bed.
32. Long days spent at music festivals.
33. The feeling you get after you just got a bargain while shopping.
34. Lady dates with the girls who make my life a little brighter.
35. Long nights playing Dota with the best friend.
36. Late night/early morning McDonalds runs.
37. Enjoying a good walk with pumps in the mall.
38. The sweet txt msg which makes me smile.
39. The fact that you really do get the feeling of 'butterflies in your stomach' when you see someone special.
40. Themed parties and Festive Seasons.
41. Daydreaming.
42. A nice pair of stilettos.
43. Photos, it's an amazing moment frozen in time forever, what more could you ask for?
44. Traveling, I don't care where, I just like to think that I'm seeing something that I've never seen before.
45. Anything that sparkles.
46. Bouncing around on a trampoline or bed.
47. Dainty tea cups and gaudy coffee mugs.
48. Beautifully written lyrics that make your soul feel something so strongly.
49. Looking forward to events.
50. Just about everything the world has to offer.

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