Monday, April 9, 2012


It was another bad day and i was feeling quite frustrated and depressed.It was as if all the inner voices i tried hard to suppress were coming out to haunt me.As feelings of low self-esteem and loneliness washed over me,I decided to pray,to write down all the questions i had for Him- questions i didn’t really expect to be answered,but ones that were plaguing me.Question after question i wrote,silently asking God to answer me soon,or least before the paper was drenched with my tears.

Without warning,a strange calm enveloped me and a rush of words flowed through my mind.I realized that God was speaking to my heart in my moment of dark despair.I rushed to write down what i heard that night.His message?The same simple words He has been trying to make me believe ever since He entered my life - a message of HOPE for someone exactly like me… “There is none beyond me.My LOVE shall satisfy.It is sufficient.”

For the longest time (years in fact),I have had a prayer request that has gone unanswered,one that God could answer quite easily.Through the years,I resorted to a number of ” HOLY ACTS ” : prayed novenas to at least 3 saints as well as the various ones to the Sacred Heart and to Mama MARY; held weekly fasts and abstinences at different times of the year;offered daily masses.Nothing doing.We all have this urge TO DO SOMETHING.To make a physical action offering and push/force God’s Hand into action.And yet the truth is that,all God wants of us is to believe.Simply believe.

I sit back, relax and BELIEVE.The hardest part is reigning myself in, bringing myself to a standstill.I have stopped demanding.No more issuing deadlines.Now it is in my Father’s Hand and I BELIEVE it will be answered at the time He sees fit.

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