I've only been 27 for 4 weeks now but I'm already starting to feel
old. Not aged in the sense of realizing that I'm older than most people
at the clubs in KL or as a result from some looming social
pressure that's telling me I should have my life together by now. But
rather, old in the sense that my stupid body takes forever to get over a
night of alcohols, and awkward creative dance moves. I'm not sure if it's because 27-year-olds probably shouldn't still be partying
like they're a freshman in college or that my body is actually not able
to detox from the copious amounts of poison that I've been putting into
it, but something has definitely changed and it's making me rethink
those beer shot combos.
A few years ago, my mornings were a lot different. I'd wake up, still
drunk from the night before and be eagerly ready to take on the day,
even with smeared mascara streaking my face. Brunches at Mc. Donald's, while still in my clothes from the previous
night didn't phase me. In fact, while my friends and I were busy downing cheeseburgers, coke, and categorizing our friends
as either cats or dogs (think about it) I realized something very
important - I come up with my best material when I'm minus a few vital
brain cells. But I'm quickly realizing that I'm not so hilarious when
I'm hungover these days. It's actually kind of depressing.
As I once thrived in my fuzzed out state, I now am a pathetic
mess that pitifully texts my buddies "death" which translates as
"puhhhlleeasseeeee may I have a bottle of strawberry fanta, snickers, panadol,
and a hug".
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