Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stuff That Makes Me Feel Better When I'm Grumpy

Let's get started, shall we?

1. Carbs...really, really starchy ones--Really, is there anything more soothing for a grumptastic mood than a big, steaming bowl of mac and cheese? Or creamy pasta with bacon bits? How about a yummy mash? No, I think not.

2. A massage--The Boyfriend is good at these, but sometimes, I'll throw in the cash to let a masseur do the wonders for this body of mine. How can you be grumpy when someone is literally smoothing your stress away? That's right...YOU CAN'T.

3. Cleaning--Yeah, I'm one of THOSE weird ones. A picked up, clean-smelling space always does wonders for my mood. Like, I feel like if I can eat off my super-spotless toilet seat, maybe not all is wrong with the world.

4. Finishing a mani/pedicure--I was supposed to go on and pamper myself for a good mani with beautiful nail art sitting in the nail parlor, and I'm sure they can provide a quick and hassle free service than doing it myself, but somehow, getting it done all by myself a nice nail art makes me think that maybe I don't hate the world so much after all.

5. A nap--I posted on Twitter that men think about sex every seven seconds, but I think about naps. Big nap-avocate. And it's (mostly) true! I'm a girl that needs her sleep, so even just a little twenty minuter can do wonders for my mood.#ineedmybeautysleep

6. Silence--I like (need) to be left alone at home on my couch, in silence, with some jazz/bossa and a steaming cup of rose-buds & mint tea. And have my dog beside me. It helps if if there's a huge storm (rain is good, thunder is better), brewing outside. All of a suddent, I find peace.

And when it's not, chocolate milk or puppy cuddles is a good back up plan too..


Cm said...


♥ ★。•SydneyMinxy♥•。★ said...

snickers are FATTENING yo~