These Moon bears are really in need of help!!
Apparently its used all over the world as a medicine...but there are up to 50 herbal and synthetic alternatives that work just as well. The bears are kept in a cage which is only just big enough for them to lie down, and then a rusty catheter is inserted into their bile ducts...they are in terrible pain, they cannot stand or sit, and many die in agony..
laying on a coffin like cage...struggling
I'm nearly in tears about this...I know there are many many injustices to animals and humans in this world, but bears are very close to my heart, and to see them in the tiny cages, some blind, declawed, in obvious read about what has been found in China on the bear farms...well it makes me sick to my stomach.
This moon bear is crammed so tightly ...
The other day I saw an awful video about the Chinese fur trade. They were skinning dogs alive, and seeing skinned dogs blinking and breathing is the most terrible thing I have ever seen.
Here are some pictures of them..
Jasper, one of the lucky moon bear which is safe and up for adoption
A moon bear cub is made to perform on hoops at Chongqing Wildlife Park
De clawed, blind Moon Bear
Heart aching...
So People, please STOP all these ill treating towards them.. it's really heartbreaking!
Hong Kong star Karen Mok is also involved with Animals Asia Foundation (AAF) to save these bears.
support them!! give them a home since we have taken theirs..